
Combining AI Detection with Green Technology: Paving the Way for Eco-Friendly Solutions



Image Credit KVNSBL by Pixabay

Artificial intelligence technology is starting to play a massive role in our lives. Almost every industry has been affected, and the construction industry is no exception. One business intelligence agency estimates that the market for AI in the construction sector was worth $2.5 billion in 2022 and will increase to $20 billion by 2032. The eco-friendly construction industry is a subset of this sector that is also heavily impacted.

While there are a lot of benefits of AI in the green construction industry, there are also some risks that need to be taken into consideration. Smart eco-friendly contractors recognize the need to use AI detection software to help manage these risks. These programs can detect text made with ChatGPT and other AI generated content. 

What is AI Detection Software?

An AI detector is a program that is trained to determine if content is made by AI or humans. These programs are trained on thousands of documents to look for the differences between the two. AI detectors look for the following things before determining if content is made by AI or not:

  • They look for variations in structure. AI content tends to have the same sentence and paragraph structures throughout the document. If there is little variation, then the program will probably be flagged as being AI generated. 
  • They look to see how predictable the text is. AI detectors are trained on data sets of content created by AI and can tell that they tend to follow the same types of patterns. They will usually flag content is being AI generated if they don’t see any ideas or formats that they are not used to.
  • They look for repetitive words and phrases. Content tends to overuse the same words throughout a document, so content with a lot of repetitiveness is likely to be flagged as being AI generated.
  • They look for grammatical structures that are different from human writing. AI content doesn’t usually make grammatical errors, but it often makes strange grammatical choices that are not usually present in human writing.
  • They try to see if the text is appropriately used to make a point. AI generators often lack a contextual understanding of the topics.

AI detectors are getting better at identifying content made with AI. They are trained on new data sets all the time, which is helping them become more accurate. One analysis found that some of the best AI detectors are 99.98% accurate.

Ways Green Contractors Can Benefit from Using AI Detectors

There are a lot of potential benefits of using AI detection software as a green business. Here are some important benefits. 

Verifying if Project Plans Were Made with AI

A growing number of professionals are using AI technology to create content that didn’t go through the relevant quality assurance process. For example, a law firm was fined $5,000 for using an AI generator to create a legal brief, which made up legal precedents. 

This is a concern for green contractors as well. They may find that an unscrupulous architect or other professional used AI to create project plans, which may not be very high quality. 

AI detectors can ensure the project plans were created by legitimate professionals, which means that they are likely going to meet the quality standards they need. This will be essential for preserving the integrity of the project.

Protecting Against Phishing and Other Scams

Fraud is a major concern in the construction industry. External scams cost the industry about $1 billion a year.

Phishing is one of the biggest ways that scammers target eco-friendly contractors. AI is making the phishing epidemic worse. Around 40% of all phishing emails are made by AI and that number is going to continue to get worse. 

Green construction companies will want to consider using AI detectors to help identify phishing emails that were made with AI. This can help them minimize the growing risk of being scammed.

Avoiding Purchasing Green Materials Based on Bogus AI-Generated Reviews

Most businesses look at customer reviews before making purchases. Green contractors are no exception. You will probably look at old customer reviews before purchasing green building materials. 

Unfortunately, a growing number of dishonest companies are using AI to create fake reviews. One study found that 26% of all reviews are made with AI. Of course, this figure will keep increasing in the near future. 

Green contractors may want to use AI detectors to see if reviews for green building materials were made with AI. This will help them avoid falling for bad products. 

AI Detection is Going to Be More Important for the Green Construction Industry in the Coming Years

Eco-friendly contractors are going to need to fight the growing problems caused by AI. AI detection software is going to be very important, so green construction companies should invest in it. 

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