Reduce Daily Stress With These Natural and Eco Friendly Options
Stress seems to be a normal part of adulting. But, these days, the world seems more stressful than ever. Whether it’s new restrictions due to viral outbreaks, new variants causing more harm, or simply the result of moving, changing jobs, or homeschooling children, there is a lot to be stressed about.
Whether good or bad, change, more often than not, is a catalyst for stress. It is crucial for us to face our stress and learn how to control it. Continued stress can lead to long-term health problems. To avoid the long-term effects of stress, it is important you recognize you are suffering from stress.
Recognize Stress in Any Environment
Just about everyone suffers from some sort of stress, but not everyone recognizes it. You might be suffering from headaches. Perhaps you find it difficult to fall asleep, aware that your mind is still racing from the pressures of your day. You might also be suffering from indigestion, or noticing more muscle aches in your neck and shoulders. It may be that you are clenching your jaw in an effort to hold back your emotions.
You might find yourself feeling more anxious when you walk indoors versus going outside. These are all small symptoms of stress and are usually relatively harmless. However, if left unchecked, they could manifest into something far more serious.
Discover Your Stress Triggers Naturally
You know you have stress, so now it’s time to be aware of your stress triggers. On the job, you take on more projects or put yourself in leadership positions to prove your worth. You want to be that go-to person, the great problem solver, all of which adds to your stress. At home, you must deal with maintenance issues, the monthly bills, and never-ending demands from family members.
Vacations are supposed to be great stress reducers. However, planning a vacation can be a major stressful event especially with so many different local and international requirements to plan for during this time of the pandemic. We all suffer from these stress triggers and more, but there are easy ways to regain control of our lives and reduce our stress.
Controlling Stress Naturally
Learning how to control your stress and anxiety does not necessarily mean a visit to the doctor or therapist. There are numerous small but meaningful lifestyle changes you can make to effectively reduce stress. One of the best things you can do is to get outside in the sunshine and trees as much as possible.
Put Your Mental Health First
Putting yourself first will make you a much happier person. Once you experience your own well-being, you will be able to give more of yourself to others and your work. Start with some self-pampering. Try using a soothing face mask while luxuriating in a tub filled with Epsom salts. You can buy CBD oil online to reduce inflammation and tension headaches while drinking your favorite herbal tea.
Aromatherapy can be a wonderful stress reducer. Certain scents such as lavender are proven to create calm within. Eating foods that are high in magnesium, such as fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and whole grains will go a long way to reduce stress. Just avoid those highly processed and high-fat foods which are associated with increased anxiety. Learn to be mindful of everything you do.
Building a time for exercising into your daily routine is a natural and fun way to relieve the stresses of the day. Schedule a time in your day to exercise and stick with it. Go out for a bike ride, run, or long walk and focus on your breathing while enjoying your surroundings. Try walking or biking to and from work instead of driving for an additional eco friendly option. You can also find a friend to exercise with to help you stay motivated.
Manage Your Time
Create a schedule for yourself and be faithful to it. Your daily schedule should be a reflection of a balanced work, home, and personal life. Prioritize your activities and do them in that order. Give yourself time limits for activities and set that timer. You will discover you are far more focused on what you are doing and less apt to be distracted. An important part of a balanced, less stressful life is learning how to say “no.” Decide for yourself what tasks will benefit you the most, and say “no” to those that are simply a waste of your time.
Take a Good Look at Your Social Network
Humans are naturally social beings. Taking care of your relationships will go far to reduce your stress. Now is the time to look closely at your friendships. Declutter toxic friends from your life, those people who thrive on gossip and the misfortune of others. Unplug yourself from the influence of people you don’t really know on social media. Nurture your relationships with those whom you value. Think about giving the gift of your time to others.
You will feel that inner glow as you come to realize some things are simply not worth stressing over. Now is the time to take control of your life. A little stress can be a motivator, but too much stress can be debilitating to our mental and physical health. Learning to reduce your daily stress will go far to helping you live your best life.

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