Eco-Friendly Ways to Survive Spring Allergies
Spring is here with all the pollen and particles that tickle noses and leave many people sneezing and sniffling. Spring allergies become an issue as pollen counts start to rise for the trees and the flowers. Some people have allergies that spike during the late summer and fall, while others have more issues during the spring blooming season. It’s important to have a plan in place for you to manage your allergy symptoms or eliminate them altogether. Here are 10 eco-friendly ways to survive spring allergies this year.
New Air Filters Help Your Health and Reduces Energy Consumption
Air filters in your home should be changed once every three months. Some people stretch this out because they forget. To keep your home more allergen-free, it’s critical to change out those air filters on your furnace and air conditioning unit to ensure they aren’t coming into your home. Additionally, a new air filter will cause your air conditioning units to work more efficiently, helping reduce your energy consumption.
Find Out Which Allergens Affect You
It can be hard to make a plan if you don’t know what you’re up against. Allergy testing is easier than ever before. You can get tests at your doctor’s office, through an allergist, or using a mail-in test kit. You’ll discover the different indoor and outdoor allergens that are impacting you so you know what to avoid or watch out for.
Buy Local Raw Honey to Reduce Fuel Consumption
Raw local honey that bees have collected in your area can be used to improve your immunity against those allergens. Find raw local honey from an apiary near you and enjoy a spoonful a day to get the best results. By using raw honey, you’ll contribute to a healthy bee population that is necessary for local foods. And buying locally means that less carbon gas was emitted to get the honey to you.
Get on the Right Medication
Different allergy medicines work for unique allergies. If you’re struggling with outdoor allergies, you’d want a different medicine than if you have indoor allergies. Some doctors can give you allergy shots if your reactions are especially bad. Work with your medical providers to find the right solution. Don’t wait until the allergies get too bad, instead, get on medication early in the season for the best results.
Stay Inside More Often
While you may love going for walks in the forest, tree pollen can be especially hard on your immune system if you have allergies. It’s best to stay indoors where you can breathe more freely. Find fun things to do such as creating art, indoor golf, and even indoor sports such as soccer if you enjoy being more active.
Wash Your Hands
You touch your car door, you touch clothes that have been outside, you touch everything. When you have spring allergies you don’t want to be getting those pollen particles on your face. It’s best to wash your hands when you come in from the outside, even if you weren’t doing anything that would get you dirty.
Boost Your Immune System
Vitamin c, elderberry, and even zinc are all excellent immune boosters. By taking them regularly, you can improve your immune system so that your allergic responses are far less during springtime. Additionally, you can reduce your sugar intake, and increase how many servings of fruits and vegetables you eat. All these things work together to help you build a strong and healthy immune system.
Take Your Shoes Off at the Door
Your shoes track in countless germs, dirt, and grime. And in the spring, they also track in pollen. Pollen falls everywhere, including the ground you walk on. By taking your shoes off at the door, you’ll reduce how much of that pollen ends up in your home. This will give you less pollen to contend with when you spend time indoors.
Gargle Salt Water
When you get that scratchiness in your throat, the best thing to do is to gargle some salt water. While this simple remedy has been touted by parents and grandparents alike for sore throats related to other things, it’s also effective for allergies. The salt water is soothing to the throat and also helps you remove any pollen particles from your throat.
Use Nasal Rinse
If you have allergies, you need to get comfortable with a nasal rinse such as a Neti Pot. Rinsing your sinuses during allergy season helps to reduce inflammation and rinse out any pollen that may be trapped in your sinuses. While uncomfortable at first, the relief you can get from a sinus rinse is worth the awkward feeling.

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